~Tune in~

Primordial Sound Meditation

MEDITATION is not a way of making your mind quiet. It a way of entering the quiet that is already there.
—Deepak Chopra

Meditation enhances our lives. It detoxes our bodies. It gives focus and dynamism to our energy even while helping us meet our goals more effortlessly. Primordial Sound Meditation in particular uses mantra, or a vibrational sound without meaning, to get beyond the thinking mind to the point of silence, more effortlessly and efficiently.

As a certified Chopra Meditation Instructor, I hold workshops about the benefits of meditation on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Primordial Sound Meditation workshops consists of four classes that last about an hour and a half.

Meditation seminars can also be tailored to groups such as teens, college students, pregnant persons, moms, dads, teachers, medical professionals, veterans, first responders, retirees, and businesses. Everyone can meditate and enjoy it’s benefits.

Workshops cover the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of meditation. In Primordial Sound Meditation you will be given a personalized mantra based on the sounds of nature when you were born. We cover best practices for meditation as well as the higher states of consciousness that can happen naturally as we begin a regular meditation practice.

Please email songoflifehealing@gmail.com if you are interested in attending or setting up a workshop.


“You were fantastic, so open, calming, informative. I need more of this in my life.”

-Traci S.

“Thank you again for the meditation classes, I truly enjoyed each session, and gained a lot of support from everything you showed.”

-Valeria B.

To still the mind, breathe in, breathe out. Feel the rhythm of your breath, the song of life, pulsating as you breathe in and out, in and out.

— Yoga Sutra 1:34, translated by Alberto Villoldo, Patanjali the Shaman: Yoga, Power, & Spirit